I’m Md. Faruk Hosen , from Narayanganj district . My study field is on Information & Communication Technology at Mawlana Bhashani Science & Technology University. I’ve strong knowledges over Java OOP, Full stack web development & automation Testing. I want to build my career in an educational institute, employing and pertaining to utilize my technical skills and research knowledge. I also want to make a career rather than just a job and to face the challenges in all aspects.









Spring Boot/MySQL/Hibernate


My Experiences

  • 2019 - Web Development

    Developed about 08 projects using PHP and Java. I love to learn new thing everyday. I write JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS code in my project.I also know Spring Boot and Laravel framework.
    Institute - xyz company Pvt Ltd
    Duration - 2yr [2019 to 2020]
    Location - Dhaka , Bangladesh

  • 2021 - Research

    Doing compatiblity and study in Bio-informatics and Optical fiber plartform. Have a published work listed in my ResearchGate profile. Intereseted doing any collaborative work on Bio-informatics / IoT / Networking / Image Processing.
    Institution - MBSTU
    Duration - 1yr [2019 to 2020]
    Location - Dhaka , Bangladesh

  • 2017 - Contestent

    Doing Contest in the various site is my passion. I solved about 51 problems in my online judge. I also participate as a contestent in Inter Department Programming Contest(IDPC) at MBSTU.
    Institute - MBSTU
    Duration - 2yr [2017 to 2019]
    Location - Dhaka , Bangladesh

My Education

  • 2016 - B.Sc(Engg) in ICT

    A four years Bachelor Program in Engineering at Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail. Involved in diversed academic and extra carricular activites. Selected as a Treasurer of IEEE MBSTU Student Branch.
    Institute - MBSTU
    Session - 2016 - 2017
    CGPA - Not completed

  • 2014 - Intermediate(HSC)

    A two years Program in Science group. Involved in diversed academic and extra carricular activites. My most favourite subjects include Physics, Chemistry and Mathmatics.
    Institute - Govt. Tolaram College
    Session - 2014-2015
    GPA - 5.00

  • 2012 - High School(SSC)

    A five years Program in Science group. Involved in diversed academic and extra carricular activites. My most favourite subjects include Physics, Chemistry and Mathmatics.
    Institute - Sonakanda High School
    Session - 2012-2013
    GPA - 5.00(Golden)

My Offered Services

If anyone want to learn below
services, then contact to me Using the given email.


I know C,C++,Java,Python and PHP language. I love to learn programming. I also love software development. It gives me immense pleasure. I made several project and I'm still working on some projects.


I want to move forward myself to the research activities. It gives me immense pleasure, passion and a realization when I go over in the reasearch areaes.


I learnt HTML5,CSS3,Bootstrap and javascript for development purpose. I also learnt PHP,Laravel and Spring Boot Framework. Since I know these,so I want to teach others.

Contact Me

Subscribe Md. Faruk Hosen Youtube Channel to
watch more videos on web development and Programming Tutorial.


